The following is a series of notes that I compiled while installing and configuring Apache 2.2, PHP 5, and MySQL 5 on Windows XP:
Apache Installation
- Download Apache HTTP Server (v2.2) from apache website or from mirror, make sure to get a binary file.
- Run binary file and install Apache.
MySQL Installation
- Download MySQL Server from, do NOT get "essentials" version.
- It may ask you to login/signup, etc. Just click the link at the bottom: "No thanks, just take me to the downloads".
- Run binary and install MySQL.
- (Optional) Check configuration box and edit configuration settings to your preference.
- Make sure that MySQL is added to the BIN PATH.
PHP Installation
- Download PHP 5, be sure to get the ZIP archive and NOT the installer.
- Extract the archive to c:\php (or your preferred location).
- After extraction is complete, copy php5ts.dll to C:\Windows\. Make a copy of php.ini-recommended and rename it to "php.ini"; move this file into your C:\Windows\ folder.
- change ";extension=php_mysql.dll" to "extension=php_mysql.dll"
- copy "php_mysql.dll"(php\ext)和libmysql.dll文件拷贝至c:\windows\system32
Apache Configuration
- Open your httpd.conf file (C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf) and find the line that looks like:
DirectoryIndex index.html
Change to this:
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
Feel free to add other extensions as well (e.g., index.htm, index.php5, etc.) if you wish.
- Find the area in the httpd.conf file that lists the loaded modules (e.g., "LoadModule foo_module modules/") and add the following line wherever you wish (i.e., at the beginning, the end, or alphabetical):
LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2_2.dll"
Be sure that the path within the quotation marks points to your PHP directory and to the correct DLL file.
- Find the area that lists the "AddType" declarations (i.e., "AddType application/x-compress .Z" and add the following line at the bottom of that list:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
PHP Configuration
- Open up php.ini (the file you dropped into the C:\Windows\ directory). Find the line that looks like this: ";extension=php_mysql.dll" uncomment the line by removing the semicolon.
- Add "C:\php" to your PATH environment variable.